September 16, 2019

The Great Lakes Invitational Conference Association (GLICA) is dedicated to putting on conferences to expand global understanding in the minds of today’s youth. Our conferences provide high school students with a chance to experience a unique simulation of diplomacy and compromise in action. Participation calls upon students to confront numerous topics foremost in the international community, and attempt to resolve issues that are far outside their own personal experiences. In addition to learning substantive content regarding the agenda topics, students improve a variety of skills including research, writing, public speaking, consensus building, negotiation, teamwork, and objective critical thinking. We hope that by giving these students hands-on experience in these areas, they can grow to become more mature, responsible leaders for the future.

The Model United Nations experience provides a rare opportunity for high school students to engage in high-level synthesis and evaluation of the topics. Students become much more aware of national and international politics and current events. While engaged in the process, they are achieving core objectives in the Social Studies Curriculum, and also improve understanding in the sciences, particularly ecology, and English Language Arts competencies.

December 4 – 7, 2024
Kalamazoo, MI

GLIMUN is a four-day conference, beginning on Wednesday evening and ending Saturday afternoon. From Opening through Closing Session, delegates are at the forefront of our conference. Delegates will begin by engaging in committee debate, join together with their fellow representatives for a plenary session later in the week, and have the opportunity to participate in delegate activities each evening. We will recognize outstanding performances by individual delegates and full delegations at our Closing Ceremony.

GLIMUN 2024 Registration Closes November 8, 2024

February 20 – 22, 2025
Lansing, MI

SIMUN is a three-day conference offering traditional United Nations committees alongside simulations of more specialized international organizations. SIMUN is scheduled for the third week in February, ideally situated after the winter holidays but before most late-year academic commitments, as well as being a great second-semester alternative for those unable to attend fall conferences. SIMUN’s diverse array of committee choices permits new and veteran delegates alike to debate issues not normally covered at other conferences.

SIMUN 2025 Registration Closes January 13, 2025