September 16, 2019

SIMUN 2025 Conference

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SIMUN 2025 Conference

SIMUN is a three-day conference offering traditional United Nations committees alongside simulations of more specialized international organizations. SIMUN is scheduled for the third week in February, ideally situated after the winter holidays but before most late-year academic commitments, as well as being a great second-semester alternative for those unable to attend fall conferences. SIMUN’s diverse array of committee choices permits new and veteran delegates alike to debate issues not normally covered at other conferences.

The right size for you

Unlike some of the other regional and national conferences offered throughout the conference year, SIMUN is the ideal size for delegates of varied skill levels. Our GA and ECOSOC committees have approximately 40-50 delegates, and our specialized committees range anywhere from 15-40 delegates. Our goal is to create committees that are large enough to provide divergent ideas in each committee, but not so large that delegates have little chance to actually be recognized on the general speakers’ list.

The “no wallflowers” approach

We at GLICA know that advisors need to be able to assess each of their delegates on their level of participation, preparation, and skill. SIMUN committees are intentionally sized so that advisors can observe delegates in action, both in caucus and formal debate. They are also the right size for our committee staff to observe delegate participation. Our staff follows a “no wallflowers” approach; we encourage delegates to actively engage with their committees through both formal and informal debate.

Conference Details

SIMUN is a three-day conference, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Saturday afternoon. From Opening through Closing Session, delegates are at the forefront of our conference. Delegates will engage in committee debate each day, and have the opportunity to participate in delegate activities each evening. We will recognize outstanding performances by individual delegates at our Closing Ceremony. Our staff will also gladly make school visits throughout the school year to assist in conference preparation.

Important Dates

Registration Opens: September 3, 2024
Early Registration Deadline: December 16, 2024
Regular Registration Deadline: January 13, 2025
Delegate Drop Deadline: February 4, 2025
Position Paper Deadline: February 14, 2025
Conference: February 20-22, 2025


Delegate Fee (if staying at hotel): $45
Delegate Fee (if not staying at hotel): $70
Advisor Fee (if early registrant): $35
Advisor Fee (if regular registrant): $45
GLICA Room Rate: $179.67 (incl. 13% state and local taxes)
GLICA T-shirt (optional, see design): $15

Conference Location

AC Hotel & Hyatt House Lansing
3160 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48912