September 16, 2019

About Model UN

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About Model UN

Model UN is, simply, a simulation of the United Nations. Participants (known as “delegates”) are assigned a country in a particular committee of the United Nations, and tasked with addressing a set of agenda topics with their fellow delegates as, and according to the policies of, their respective countries. The object of the exercise is to debate topics of global importance, from the perspective of people who are widely geographically separated, and come to an agreement as to how best to address the issues of the day while accommodating the viewpoints of everyone in the room. These “resolutions” are then presented in writing to the entire committee to be adopted, or rejected, by a general vote.

Model UN is as old as the United Nations itself – formally chartered in 1945 – but traces its roots back much further, to programs such as Model League of Nations. While often regarded as something of an oddity, Model UN is actually very widespread, with conferences for middle school, high school, and college students throughout North America and indeed the rest of the world. From small one-day conferences where students can learn the ropes, to large weeklong simulations that incorporate multiple committees, plenary sessions, and “crisis” committees that evolve in real-time, Model UN is an educational opportunity second to none.

Model UN brings together history, politics, international relations, public speaking, and debate all in one room. Successful delegates seamlessly integrate research, writing, and rhetoric, taking into account both the interests and history of their own assigned country, and those of their global contacts. Students benefit from the opportunity to engage with their peers about a wide variety of issues, whether close to home or across the planet. Teachers and advisers get to provide “hands-on” experience with problems that are, in a classroom setting, purely theoretical, and watch how their students respond to the complex challenges of international politics. And, no matter the motivation, all participants leave with a greater understanding of themselves and of the people with whom we share this world.

GLICA’s mission is to achieve peace through understanding, and we welcome the opportunity to host your school at one of our yearly conferences. For more information about Model UN, or to find out what GLICA can offer your program, please take a look at the GLICA Conferences, or Contact Us.