September 16, 2019

Our Mission and History

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Our Mission

“Peace cannot be achieved through violence;
it can only be attained through understanding.”

-Albert Einstein

Moved by Dr. Einstein, we envision a world where our leaders better the social, political, environmental and economic arenas of the world by engaging one another through diplomatic dialogue rather than through violence, force or tyranny of the majority. At the core of their policies, decisions, and actions should be the deepest respect for human rights and dignity.

To that end the Great Lakes Invitational Conference Association is dedicated to hosting educational conferences and programs that foster rigorous consideration and understanding of the numerous issues facing the international community amongst our future leaders. Furthermore, that our delegates learn not only the academics of these issues, but develop a strong set of problem-solving skills, diplomacy and consensus-building at the forefront, that will enable them to effect a positive change in their schools, workplaces and communities, and further advance the cause of peace through understanding.

Our History

The Great Lakes Invitational Conference Association was formed in 1973 when a group of students from Eastern Michigan University took on the Great Lakes Invitational Model United Nations conference as an independent project. Independence from the university afforded the group more freedom to manage the conference and allowed those with a passion for Model United Nations to continue their work beyond graduation. GLICA is the oldest independent Model United Nations organization in the state of Michigan, and likely the Great Lakes region.

GLICA continues to be run entirely by volunteers. Over the last 50 plus years the organization has had hundreds of volunteers serve on its staff; some for short periods, and others for decades. These volunteers, referred to as “staff”, are individuals dedicated to educating youth in global awareness, critical thinking skills, public speaking, creative diplomacy and the belief that world peace can be achieved through understanding.