September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Ebola
Country: Poland


Ebola is one of the most easily recognizable diseases in the modern age. It is known as a quick and brutal killer, tearing families and communities apart in a matter of weeks and months. The disease is most prevalent in West African nations such as Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. On March 23, 2014 the W.H.O. officially declared an outbreak of the disease in Guinea. There were 49 confirmed cases, 29 of which resulted in death. By the 8th of August it had spread to the neighboring countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. The W.H.O. declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. It’s spread was caused by a lack of communication between nations and a lack of infrastructure to fight the disease. Lack of education is also partially attributed to it’s spread as simple precautions such as isolating the diseased from the healthy and avoiding meat from virus carrying animals were not taken. By the time the outbreak was contained and successfully fought off in 2016 over 28,600 cases had been reported, 11,325 of which resulted in death. Just recently, Ebola has ascended to the global stage again. There have been over 3,000 confirmed cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and 2 in Uganda. The disease also has a large potential to spread to neighboring Rwanda although no cases have been reported there yet. Very recently the W.H.O. declared this outbreak a PHEIC showing UN concern about the epidemic. Although Poland has never had a confirmed case of the virus it is still concerned about its spread. The Polish government has donated nearly 150,000$ USD to the fight against Ebola, something it would like to see other nations contribute funds to. It is the belief of Poland that through competent funding, research, education, and the use of beneficial NGOs that the Ebola virus can be successfully contained and eliminated. 

Like previously stated, Poland has donated funds to the W.H.O. to fight the spread of Ebola. Poland supports the adoption of S/RES/2177(2014), a resolution created by the UNSC addressing the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014-2016. The resolution encouraged the governments of nations affected and those in danger of being affected by the Ebola virus to take extra precautions against the virus as well as encouraged nations unaffected by the virus to take into considerations the possible effects of trade and travel bans on affected nations. It also encouraged relevant UN bodies to take action against the virus. Although not directly affecting Poland, Poland believes it is an effective resolution to combat the virus and a similar resolution should be considered. Poland also believes another UNMEER (United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response) like health mission could contribute greatly to the containment and elimination of the Ebola virus.
In conclusion Poland suggests the funding of research into the topic, funding of education in affected regions, and enlisting the help of NGOs such as the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Poland also suggests a W.H.O. overseen health mission similar to UNMEER in 2014-2015. Poland looks forward to working with like-minded nations to successfully combat the spread of the Ebola virus and help those affected by it. Poland believes the actions taken by nations such as Japan, Germany, The USA, Mexico, Kuwait, Norway, the UK, the ROK, Canada, Brazil, China, and many others to fund the W.H.O.’s response to the Ebola virus to be very generous and crucial to the fight against it. Poland sees this topic as a great opportunity to cooperate to fight a common evil and hopes that there should be no trouble in doing so.

  • Tyler Ragan