September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Forest Hills Central

Dominican Republic

Security Council: Situation in Sudan


             The Sudan is in the midst of a crisis. Following the violent fracturing of the country in 2011, Sudan experienced almost a decade of political turmoil, which crescendoed in April of this year with the overthrow of long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir. Though encouraged by tentative agreements between the TMC and FFC, the Dominican Republic is deeply concerned that Sudan is teetering on the brink of economic and political collapse, and believes that any such occurrence would be disastrous not only for Sudan, but the region as a whole. Though the Dominican Republic was inducted onto the Security Council for the first time this January, we have worked tirelessly to uphold to principles of this committee, which are to maintain global peace, contain aggression, and foster transparent and stable governments in the most volatile regions of the world. We in the security council have a chance to redeem a failed state and stabilize a region plagued with violence, which is a task and responsibility we cannot shirk.

             There are many current roadblocks to a full Sudanese recovery, but perhaps the most pressing is the low-intensity warfare and potential human rights abuses in Darfur, South Kordofan, and the Blue Nile. While the Dominican Republic firmly backs UNSC Resolutions 1556 and 1564, which called on Sudan to disarm militias, threatened sanctions and condemned their human rights violations, we are also encouraged by the new civilian government’s plan to reach a peace deal in Darfur within the first six months of the military to a civilian transition period. We believe that if this peace deal can be reached, the UN has an obligation to end the UNAMID mission. However, until then, we believe that the mission’s mandate should continue to be extended, while steadily drawing down the UN’s military presence, and ratcheting up humanitarian support and aid. Drawing down peacekeeping operations would put the UN on good terms with the new government, while humanitarian aid would help stabilize the country and calm the wave of discontent sweeping the country. Once the violence and abuse of human rights are halted, the committee can address another major obstacle Sudan faces: crippling economic sanctions. The Dominican Republic believes that these economic restrictions should be gradually reduced on a case by case basis, in which sanctions would be reduced as Sudan takes concrete actions to reduce human rights violations, sponsorship of terrorism and religious freedom violations. This could foster a sustainable economic recovery and a more positive relationship between the new Sudanese government and the international community. This new, more amicable relationship would allow capital and investment to flow into the nation, stimulating economic growth and trade, bringing prosperity to a people desperate for hope.


            To solve this crisis, the Dominican Republic believes that this council must take action. In order for the Dominican Republic to support a resolution In any resolution that the Dominican Republic would support, it must first call for a ceasefire and peace deal in each of the three aforementioned regions of Sudan. At the same time, we should renew the UNAMID mission, while drawing down present forces in the region, in accordance with measurable progress made with any peace deal. Simultaneously, the UNSC should call on nations to reduce economic sanctions on Sudan on a case-by-case basis, and step up humanitarian aid to the nation. This council has an opportunity to reverse the course of this failing state, and since these chances seldom come, we must act with courageousness and decisiveness for the greater good of Sudan and East Africa.

  • Alex Shier