September 16, 2019
 In Articles

  Since April of 2019, the political situation Sudan has lain in murky waters. Yes, the dictator al-Bashir has been deposed, but the citizens of the country are no more free or safe than they were before April 11th. Civil war and unrest still ravage the nation, the economy is no better off, if not worse than it was before.


            The Federal Republic of Germany is, however, appreciative of many of the efforts that have been made by both the people and the government of Sudan, as well as the rest of the world. Germany is foremostly thankful for the compromise between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces of Freedom and Change organization in creating their July 17thagreement, especially regarding the drafting of a new constitution and the set transitional period of 3 years and 3 months, terminating on October 17, 2022. The Federal Republic of Germany is also pleased to see the transfer of the case former president al-Bashir to the ICC, where he will be tried on many counts of crimes of war and crimes against humanity. In order to ensure that he is held accountable, Germany calls for his immediate arrest by UN peacekeeping forces.


            There is also the issue of the current wave of protests, which started on September 12 of this year and have continued since. Germany implores the new Sovereignty Council formed in the July 17thagreement to engage in formal talks with these organized protesters in order to address their goals (such as that of the employment of a new chief justice) and dialectically approach solutions. In respect of national sovereignty, Germany urges the UN Security Council to not involve ourselves in these meetings but supports the continuation of the current peacekeeping mission (UNMIS) until a Sudanese national stability is achieved. 


  • Alex Calderwood