September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Forest Hills Central

New Zealand

United Nations Development Program: Eradication of Poverty


With special attention to countries of lower living standards and many people in poverty throughout sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. New Zealand would like to bring forth the problem that faces the world, poverty and extreme poverty such as the 602,000,000 of people who currently live in poverty. The definition of poverty is “the state of being extremely poor” which affects many countries, not just one we need to help all those in poverty around the world, not just those in our own country while leaving many others out to suffer, a rising tide lifts all boats.


New Zealand has a problem with poverty at 16.3% within our borders compared to some other western countries such as the U.S. at 12%. Our Poverty rate has steadily been increasing and while we are not a country that needs all the humanitarian aid we possibly have a problem with growing poverty and request that the U.N. passed resolutions to promote stable growth within all countries. Throughout the 20th and 21st century poverty has been steadily decreasing such as the decrease from 36% in 1990  to 10% in 2015 showing a generally good trend that could continue onward into the future hopefully bringing the general poverty rate down closer to 0%. Infrastructure is essential to limiting poverty by moving supplies through countries and it helps to provide a stable way for populations to move about, be more productive and get to work. With help from countries such as the U.S. and trade unions, we can promote stable growth in regions most affected by poverty such as Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia.


To help promote economic growth and destroy the poverty problem New Zealand would like to introduce solutions. The first deals with promoting infrastructure, to help figure out where more infrastructure and roads are needed we will create a map with higher and lower infrastructure per capita. The second part of the solution is to take those areas that have lower infrastructure and vote on the amount of aid, where the aid will be specifically used and when the funds should be allocated so as to make the greatest impact to help these people. Adding infrastructure will help to end the problems faced by so many with no money and no way to pay for these essential things that are taken for granted.

  • William McDonald