September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Disarmament & International Security Committee

Preventing the Illicit Arms Trade

The Bahamas

Jared Rhein

Forest Hills Eastern

The illicit arms trade is a pertinent problem in the global picture and is not dwindling in the slightest. Illegal arms affect the international and domestic lifestyles of people from all walks of life. The illicit arms trade is harmful to the world’s economies, societies and the wellness of nations due to their purchase and distribution to criminals and terrorists that negatively influence social, economic, and humanitarian lifestyles. The Commonwealth of the Bahamas has actively participated in the United Nations and will continue to do so. The Bahamas has signed and fully endorse the Arms Trade Treaty, which helps prevent humanitarian violations, along with disallowing loopholes; the Arms Treaty also discourages any violations of the humanitarian code, acts of genocide, acts of terrorism, or violations U.N. arms embargoes. The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is strongly opposed to the illicit arms trade and will not stop at any means to eradicate these transactions.

The Bahamas and The United States of America and have worked closely in subduing efforts to smuggle weapons and other illegal substances. Considering that the nearest Bahamian landmass is only 50 miles from Florida, the Bahamas is a major transshipment point for illicit trafficking, particularly to the US mainland, as well as Europe. OPBAT, or the Operation Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, was established in 1982 to abolish the illegal drug trade, but also includes the illicit arms trade prevention. 50 million gross tons of ships fly the Bahamian flag around the world, making it the fifth-largest maritime presence. These Bahamian vessels do not provide to the illicit arms trade, but rather abide by the treaties from the United Nations, along with regional alliances that have instilled a mutual desire to abolish the illicit arms trade. The Bahamian people and government alike are strongly opposed to the illicit arms trade that hurts our people; the Bahamas’ homicides by firearm have increased from 69% in 2005 to 85% in 2014, according to This increase of homicides by firearm is a direct indicator of the unwanted illicit arms trade that encourages domestic death. The Bahamas seeks to decrease the presence of the illicit arms trade to encourage GDP growth in the tourism and financial industries.

The Bahamas move to encourage the United Nations to renew the Arms Trade Treaty, along with the addition of severe restrictions and embargoes on countries that encourage the illicit arms trade; the use of preliminary searches by the U.N. on countries accused of participating in the illicit arms trade, will give insight into who requires restrictions and embargoes. In a country filled with tourism, international banking and investment management, The Bahamas wants to keep its country safe and acknowledges the disasters that come from the illicit arms trade. A resolution filled with regulations and embargoes upon countries not abiding by the Arms Trade Treaty or other U.N. doctrines upon preventing the illicit arms trade is appropriate and will be supported by the Bahamas. 


  • Jared Rhein