United Nations Development Programme
Eradication of Poverty
Nathan Jaymes Weller
Forest Hills Eastern
Poverty remains one of the most prominent issues in the world. Nearly 1/2 the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 a day according to dosomething.org. However, poverty entails more than just a lack of money. Its issues include hunger and malnutrition, as well as lack of basic services and rights such as education. Without access to these services, it is near impossible for people to reach their full potential, which can hurt worldwide economies even more. In general terms, poverty is defined as the “lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society” according to tolerance.org. Every country struggles with the widespread issues of poverty in some way. In order for impoverished people and nations to reach a state of self-sufficiency, it is imperative that the United Nations work towards putting an end to poverty.
Poverty is a prominent issue in the country of Cambodia. From 2004 to 2016, Cambodia lowered its poverty rate from 53 to 15.6 percent (Borgen Magazine). Despite the tremendous steps towards ending poverty, however, it remains a major issue nonetheless, especially in rural populations. Cambodia has teamed up with the Asian Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to further work towards putting poverty in Cambodia to an end. Cambodia has, with the help of these groups, engaged in numerous internal efforts, such as the Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development Project, to invest in rural people by providing them food security, health services, and strengthening resilience to natural disasters. Through these numerous efforts, it has been projected that Cambodia will become a high-income country by the year 2050, according to Borgen Magazine.
Much like the efforts taken by the Cambodian government, the UNDP should gain support from numerous worldwide funds, such as the Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to supply resources, both monetary and not, to countries and populations in need. Funds should be used to supply those in need with food, clean water, and health care, but also work to expand education and other services to those who do not have access. Further, support can come from the International Fund for Agricultural Development and similar agencies and funds to boost economies and create work opportunities.
- Nathan J Weller