September 16, 2019
 In Articles


Preventing the Illicit Arms Trade

Trinidad and Tobago

George Khamis

Forest Hills Eastern


Preventing the illicit arms trade remains a pivotal issue in the world. The restriction and control of illicit arms trade is imperative and demands a resolution. In the past, illicit arms control was unregulated, and the outcome resulted in detrimental effects in the political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions of Trinidad and Tobago. This topic was last reviewed and discussed in 2017; the United Nations adopted a resolution which called for the complete and total eradication of the illicit arms market and the standardization of a treaty that would prevent small arms from illegally crossing borders and limit all potential gun combat. The UN should further promote the eradication of the illicit arms trade and take the siege on all fronts. Trinidad and Tobago believes that a new resolution with more specific forms of illicit arms regulation is necessary for a safer and freer world, and although work in the past was implementing 


As a nation that allied itself with CARICOM, the Caribbean community and common market, Trinidad and Tobago is apart of fifteen Caribbean nations and dependencies with primary objectives to promote economic integration and cooperation among its members, to ensure that the benefits of integration are equitably shared, and to coordinate foreign policy. As a country with the successful implementation of regulatory measures on guns, Trinidad and Tobago believes that the best way to eradicate the illegal trade of illicit arms is to implement more UN approved laws and programs like the international tracing instrument and the programme of action.  Trinidad and Tobago continues to be adversely affected as a result of this cross-border illegal activity which is linked to illegal drug trafficking, money laundering and cyber crime. Furthermore, Trinidad and Tobago encourages the promotion of continued forward momentum over the to regulate and monitor conventional weapons and  we urge continued global efforts to address these threats.


Trinidad and Tobago encourages the further implementation of the ATT’s (the arms trade treaty) core provisions, which are consistent with our own national security interests, that is, to prevent the diversion of illegal conventional arms to the illicit market. Trinidad and Tobago has been actively engaged and will remain engaged in the process of implementation of the ATT, to further secure and protect the majority caught in the cross-fire. Trinidad and Tobago further urges the UN to de-legitimize and exterminate all unlicensed/unregulated criminals, and to root out the source of dark web arms sales. Finally, Trinidad and Tobago advocates for a resolution that will promote the security of all nations and secure the economic interest of these nations while insuring all illegal arms trades will cease immediately.

  • George Khamis