September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

International Drug Trade

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Hannah Ferrer-Medina 

Forest Hills Eastern High School 


Drugs and drug trafficking has been a major problem in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and globally. The distribution and use of illegal substances have steeply increased, even after the ratification of  the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance (NDPS) treaty by DRC in 2005. The effect of illicit drugs – especially that of cannabis –is destroying not only congolese agriculture, but the spirit of our country itself.  The use of cannabis has harmed the mind of our people, has caused the burning of hundreds of villages, as prompted the rapes of throusands of women and children, and has corrupted our government. The ravaging effects of drug use needs to be stopped. 

On a global scale, the regulation of illegal drug trade is absolutely necessary. Each country should hold the responsibility to track and halt the shipment of narcotics before it even leaves the country. The U.N. has made galient efforts to reduce substance trafficking through the NDPS; however, it is not enough. The United Nations should strengthen drug trafficking restrictions through education and regulations. States concerned with the health and well being of their people should be highly concerned with the distribution of illegal substances and should enforce efforts to criminalize international drug trade and should reduce the amount of illicit substances being produced nationally. 

The Democratic Republic of the Congo will not forget to do the same. First, we hope to reduce the amount of cannabis being produced through regulation, policy, and more policing of marajuana production. Annually, 200 tons of cannabis is smuggled globally, valued at US$3 million per year. This is completely unacceptable. With this amount of revenue corruption, though abhorrent, is bound to happen. Second, DRC will increase efforts to secure borders and reduce the control that rebel groups, like the Hutu militia, have on marijuana trade. We strongly encourage the rest of the international community to consider how illicit substances impact our society and for the regulation of international drug trade.        

  • Hannah Ferrer-Medina