September 16, 2019
 In Articles

United Nations Development Program

Eradication of Poverty

Federal Republic of Somalia

Naman Jain

Forest Hills Eastern


About 736 million people around the world live in extreme poverty. They are severely deprived of basic human needs such as access to food, shelter, and clean water. The eradication of poverty is an urgent social, and economic issue. The United Nations Development Program(UNDP)’s number one goal is to end poverty. They have halved the number of people in destitution in the last ten years. Nevertheless, in countries like Somalia, poverty is still a major issue.  Most of the crucial components of poverty are deficits in education, transportation, healthcare, and other vital infrastructure. However, problems like climate change, food insecurity, and conflicts mean even more work is required to bring people out of poverty. To solve these problems the “Millennium Development Goals” were officially embraced by the UN and several targets were set to be achieved by 2015. One of these targets included the eradication of poverty. Unfortunately, this target has still not been accomplished. Previous attempts to battle poverty could become more effective if the way it is being addressed is changed; the United Nations Development Program should examine and attack the root causes of poverty, and not fall back to treating its effects. 


According to the UNDP, Somalia has an approximate poverty rate of 73%. With such a high poverty rate, Somalia understands the devastating effect that poverty can cause economically and socially. Somalia suffers from civil conflict, limited resources, food insecurity and a lack of an active central government which all enhance the problems of poverty. Recently, a drought struck Somalia causing famine and exacerbating the existing problems. The political instability in Somalia has caused standardized impoverishment from a lack of basic physical and organizational structures These absences have caused a spiral leading to more poverty. According to their latest National Development Plan, Somali authorities have been focusing on “political stabilization, rebuilding state institutions, improving economic resilience, and reducing poverty.” However, it is not nearly enough. To end this spiral of insecurity and conflict and fund these critical humanitarian and development needs, Somalia desperately requires assistance. 


To address the problem, the causes of poverty must be resolved alongside mitigating the symptoms. It is paramount to the well being of a population to end the causes including unemployment, and unpreparedness for natural disasters and disease that stop populations from being productive. The growing social inequality caused by poverty is detrimental to economic growth Somalia proposes that the United Nations provide humanitarian assistance to those in poverty while helping countries provide and create government jobs and education to lift people out of their state. Somalia knows the incredible impact poverty can have on a country. Somalia supports assistance in creating physical infrastructures, increasing basic resources and services, supporting damaged communities to attack the foundation of poverty through various NGOs such as Action Aid International and CARE. A resolution that advocates for addressing the causes of poverty within a nation will improve the global world both socially and economically. 

  • Naman Jain