September 16, 2019
 In 2019-Abuse by Peacekeepers, mud1

14 November 2019

SUBMITTED TO: Special Political

FROM: The Russian Federation


DELEGATE: Amanda Morello, Royal Oak High School


The conflict in Libya is a prolonged proxy war stemming from extremist factions who seek to control both the government and Libya’s plethora of natural resources.  The spread of terrorist organizations after the fall of Muammar al-Qaddafi in October 2011 has resulted in a deteriorating political system, prolonged violence, and a multiplicity of human rights abuses.  With this unrest, this crisis is a plea for a new government and a revitalization of domestic policy.  Russia sees it as our moral obligation to restore stability and security to the Middle East and Northern African nations, protecting said regions from foreign interference.  Reaffirming the notions set in a number of Libya-focused resolutions, the Russian Federation would like to reiterate its unwavering commitment to national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and domestic unity.  Russia believes that all countries in the Special Political Committee should have the right to define their own policy in approaching this conflict, as well as the underlying issue of politics motivated by profit.  


Russian policy on this particular crisis was reaffirmed on the 4 September 2019 in a press briefing by H.E. Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations(1). Russia understands and fully agrees that there is no military solution to this conflict, thus seeing a strong need for the continuance of the UN arms embargo imposed in February of 2011. Russia is well aware, however, that there have been confirmed reports of nations who’ve deliberately violated the terms of this agreement(2). In addition to this violation, the lack of basic human necessities, a migrant crisis, illegitimate governing bodies, the use of media to promulgate false ideologies, and ill-natured foreign interference have proven the importance of UN Special Envoy Ghassan Salamé’s Three-Point Plan (August of 2019)(3):

  1. “A truce among warring parties during Eid al-Adha […] and concurrent confidence-building measures such as prisoner exchanges; 

  2. A high-level international conference to agree on a commitment to end the violence; better implement the arms embargo; and enforce international humanitarian and human rights law against belligerents; and finally 

  3. A reboot of the proposed National Conference in the form of an international meeting of influential Libyans to discuss political, security, and economic elements.”


UN Resolution 1970 (26 February 2011), Resolution 1973 (17 March 2011), Resolution 2434 (13 September 2018), and all subsequent resolutions on Libya must be considered within the Special Political debate.  Most importantly is Resolution 2434, which not only prolongs the UN Special Mission In Libya, but also secures social, political, and economic discourse between the Libyan Political Agreement and the United Nations Action Plan(4).  Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to monitor human rights, coordinate well-meaning assistance and humanitarian aid efforts, and stabilize conflict zones. The Russian Federation expects continued briefing of this situation as it progresses, stresses the importance of the contributions of regional organizations in discussions, and hopes that the United Nations expands its mission in Libya to prevent further attacks on vital infrastructures.


With that said, the Russian Federation asks this committee how they will work towards a solution that will not only protect the people of Libya but return this region, wrecked by neo-liberalism and misguided western policy, back into a legitimate government. Russia will work towards a resolution that continues the United Nations Action Plan for Libya. As noted prior, Russia sees national unity as a primary objective. Thus, agreed upon in the spirit of compromise under the Special Representative of the Secretary‑General, all regional organizations must have a seat at the table for a representative peace talk when holding parties accountable for their actions. Those who have capitalized upon the current situation by using rape, torture, forced labor, trafficking, and detention as weapons of war for personal strides must also be held accountable.  Drone technologies and mechanized warfare tactics in this region must, too, be regulated and taken from the hands of third parties whose interest isn’t in the Libyan people but in furthering a manipulative agenda.


The Russian Federation insists that the stability of the global community stems from the removal of politics motivated merely by profit. The west, namely the United States and its NATO allies, cannot pretend that their foreign policy is simply concerned with human rights. It is evident to Russia and its allies that western greed, masked as well-to-do policy, is one of the greatest threats to the international order. Motivated by international security, Russia sees its role in Libya as one to reverse western ambivalence, prevent a weaponized economy, and eliminate war players. The Russian Federation reminds members of this committee to consider their actions as they pertain to the stability and domestic needs of a region in social, political, and economic turmoil.  


The Russian Federation looks forward to working with members of the international community to preserve national sovereignty, promote domestic unity, and maintain territorial integrity.  In order to achieve an applicable solution we must not let differences in political ideology get in the way of protecting civilians. The Russian Delegation, through the General Assembly, will be committed to upholding international principles outlined above as it seeked to educate and guide its foriegn counterparts in making sure the global community is as sound as it can be.

1. Russia On Libya – Security Council Media Stakeout (4 September 2019). 2019, Accessed 11 Nov 2019.

2. “Why Are Countries Breaking The Arms Embargo On Libya?”. Aljazeera.Com, 2019, Accessed 12 Nov 2019.

3.  “Salamé Lays Out A New Three-Point Plan To Resolve The Conflict In Libya | Menas Associates”. Menas.Co.Uk, 2019, Accessed 11 Nov 2019.

4.  United Nations Security Council. Security Council Extends Mandate Of United Nations Support Mission In Libya Until 15 September 2019, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2434 (2018). 2019, Accessed 12 Nov 2019.


  • Amanda Morello