September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Russian Federation


Access to Water

Amelia Kocis

Royal Oak High School


Access to clean water and sanitation should be a right for every citizen. Sadly, this is not always the case across the globe. In addition to this, clean water can be a building block for improving the economics of developing countries. If the issue of water is taken care of, then it’s one less thing that country has to worry about in terms of the safety of its citizens. In Russia, 98.9% of the urban population, and 91.2% of the rural population has access to improved water source. 77% of the urban population have access to sanitation facilities, along with 58.7% of the rural population. ( CIA World Factbook )

One way that Russia achieved this high percentage of civilians with access to water was through its facilities and technologies. We have multiple different instruments and computer systems devoted to the filtration of this water. ( ) Russia would very much support a system of educating countries on these technologies, and/or a financial aid system to help implement these technologies on countries without the means to do so. We have many countries in the world right now that are very much, and rightfully preoccupied with conflicts, civil wars, and many other issues that make it difficult for them to focus on the water accessibility for their citizens. This, however, does not lessen the importance of water accessibility. That is why it is so vital that we as a committee can come to a conclusion on how to make the global access to water even more widespread.


Russia is very excited to work with the international community to form a solution that can increase the amount of citizens with accessible water sources, expand the usage of technology towards water purification, and improve the overall purity of existing water sources.

  • Amelia Kocis