September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Eli Duguid

Committee: Social Humanitarian and Cultural 

Topic: Combating Racism and Xenophobia

Country: Poland


Throughout human history, people have been reluctant to accept those whom are considered different or foreign to them. This reluctance has resulted in  hierarchies that traditionally favor a certain type of people over another; furthering the growth of social inequity among people living in nations with diverse cultures, races, and religions. In more recent history, this xenophobia and racism has resulted in the rise of white nationalist groups in Europe and North America, religious clashes in Sudan, and genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia. Poland has not been immune to the rise of white nationalism, and has recently been infested with a youth subculture that promotes extreme nationalistic, anti-semitic, and anti-Islamic views. These views do not reflect the Polish people, and we are willing to work with this committee in order to find a solution that works to best protect those  targeted by this rising phenomena.


Domestic legislation regarding xenophobia and racism, has unfortunately not been the center of policy proposed at the national level, thus in part to the homogeneity of the white-Christian Polish populous. As a nation however, Poland has been apart and signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, as well as a multitude of United Nations resolutions regarding the equality of education and freedom of religion. Every signed International agreement with the major purpose of instituting a political agreement of each member nation to uphold the political, religious, and educational rights of those who have been historically disenfranchised. The major issue that has traditionally plagued Polish policy on this issue, has been political apathy, and the failure (sometimes even) rejection of policies  that would help institute positive change. This is the main reason why the delegation of Poland is seeking an adequate international adoption of policy that enforces the commitment and oversight of all nations to create domestic bodies, which oversee the correct implementation of anti-racism policies. If the international community supports this plan, it would give leeway to the SOCHUM delegate of Poland to request (with international backing) domestic policy that works to take on the rise of white nationalism–domestically.


Along with the creation of domestic bodies to oversee racial-relations, the delegation of Poland would like to see foreign leaders as well as each member of the United Nations acknowledge the existence of racism and Xenophobia, and publicly denounce any group that partakes in these activities. Poland also views education as a platform in which this systemic issue can be addressed. By educating the future generation on the acceptance of cultural differences, the ill-effects of this issue will be drastically reduced.


The delegation of Poland looks  forward to working with fellow members of the United Nations, specifically the European Union, fellow Baltic states, and NATO to come up with a solution that best addresses the rise of Xenophobia and Racism internationally.


  • Eli Duguid