September 16, 2019
 In 2019-Abuse by Peacekeepers, mud1






The political complexity and numerous players in the situation in Libya has given it a spotlight in the U.N. The status quo presented to us today shows that current efforts have been futile in producing stability and solvency for the region. This is characterized by contestment of oil and air fields, private armed forces, smuggling, trafficking, and migration that weakens the recognized government and their goal of producing a healthier state. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam firmly believes in the preservation of sovereignty while also promoting the safety and fundamental rights of human beings. Vietnam proposes an intense examination of current efforts on the local, regional, and international level along with a reassessment of policy targets. 

In order to grasp an understanding of international efforts in Libya, one must look to security council resolution 1973 which outlined the endorsement of a third party to use force in order to protect the citizens well-being. The creation of this resolution was in response to Gaddfi’s pending invasion of Benghazi where the U.N had exhausted all peaceful options such as freeze assets, sanctions, and removal of membership in international organizations. The idea of other parties using force in a country not under their jurisdiction prompted an engagement of the U.N’s idea of responsibility to protect. Responsibility to protect (R2P) acknowledged the fact that as part of a country’s sovereignty to handle domestic affairs, it also meant that each country had an obligation to protect its citizens from harm. If the country is unable or unwilling to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and harm, then international force could be used for the purpose of saving human lives. This created a major debate about the use and scope of the term throughout the bodies of the U.N. This was a central focus in the Libya situation since NATO-allied strikes were endorsed by the U.N. Perhaps the most important part of the resolution though was it allowed the UN member States “to take all necessary measures…to protect civilians and civilian populated areas”of Libya. This was the first implementation of the R2P doctrine and represented a change in normative international policy. Critics of this approach to the Libya situation that military efforts abused this. Therefore, an important foundation for creating an impactful resolution is analyzing the effects of a R2P approach in Libya and its impacts.

Vietnam proposes several questions that the committee must answer in order to create meaningful policy. How do we deal with fundamental socio-economic problems such as smuggling and trafficking effectively alongside other efforts? How do we also create a revitalization plan that benefits all ethnic and tribal groups in the region? Finally, how will current migration activities be resolved? These questions will ensure fruitful policy that will bring hope to the people of Libya.

Vietnam would like to see as part of a committee resolution a reassessment of current interventions and their effects on Libya. We must learn why current efforts have not worked and use these failures as criterion for developing better frameworks. Vietnam also proposes an integrative plan that incorporates regional and international organizations to improve coordination for efforts in Libya. Vietnam looks forward to contributing to a positive impact in the North African region and embracing the principles of the U.N. 


  • Connor Brezenski