September 16, 2019
 In Articles

World Health Organization Committee

Forest Hills Eastern


Cambodia is well aware of world hunger and its devastating effects upon our youth. 15% of Cambodia’s population of 16 Million live in poverty. Of Cambodia’s youth, 36% go hungry and have stunted growth while another 10% are starving. Cambodia also recognizes a larger global need to combat youth hunger as 17 Million children under the age of five suffer from acute malnutrition(wasting). Cambodia understands that many people are in danger of going hungry as food security can be very poor which is evident in Cambodia itself. Cambodia sees improving food security as the number one strategy for providing youth with enough food to sustain themselves in a healthy manner and contribute towards combating child hunger globally.


Cambodia is taking astronomical steps to eradicate youth hunger domestically. Cambodia plans on achieving zero hunger by 2025 with the help of the Zero Hunger Initiative launched by the United Nations. In order to make this happen Cambodia is working FAO, UNICEF, WFP, other UN agencies and a multitude of NGOs. Cambodia has taken steps to help combat global youth hunger by serving as a prime example of what a nation should do in the face of widespread poverty and starvation. 


Cambodia believes that the World Health Organization can best tackle this issue by focusing on who produces the food: farmers and livestock herders. 70% of food globally comes from small farms and livestock but many of these farmers in 3rd world countries suffer from violent conflict and an unstable market. Cambodia wants the World Health Organization to find a way to provide subsidies to farmers in order to provide food security.

  • Ryan Longo