September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee

Combating Racism and Xenophobia

People’s Republic of China

Grant Charles Centner

Forest Hills Eastern

China and the Chinese people have been victims of Racism and Xenophobia for far too long. Western nations have continued their anti-chinese prejudice despite their claimed acceptance of all cultures and races. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Western nations passed laws prohibiting people of Chinese descent from gaining jobs, citizenship, or entry into their country. Anti-Chinese sentiment (Sinophobia) has existed in history and still exists today, from the 1881 Chinese Immigration acts of New Zealand to the Exclusion Act of 1923 in Canada and the United State’s Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, de jure Sinophobia has been seen around the world. Today, while some laws have been repealed, many others still exist and general Sinophobia is stronger than ever. For example, in the United States, by law, chinese citizens cannot hold jobs in many companies such as SpaceX and others. Much worse than discrimination by law is violent, race-based attacks on people of Chinese descent. The Torreon Massacre in Mexico, the Chinese-Massacre of 1871 in Los Angeles, and the murder of Vincent Chin in 1982 are just high profile cases.

The People’s Republic of China is working on combating the sinophobic sentiments and laws seen around the world. Chinese commerce minister recently said in relation to the false accusations against Huaweii made by the US government: “If the United States wants to continue trade talks, they should show sincerity and correct their wrong actions. Negotiations can only continue on the basis of equality and mutual respect.” The U.S. banned Huaweii from selling products in the U.S. and working with U.S. businesses based on false claims about Huawei relations with the Chinese government. Despite all our efforts, there is little that can be done about the rising envy toward the Chinese people. According to a Pew Research poll, Japan, Sweden, Canada, and the United States held an 85, 70, 67, and 60 percent negative view towards China respectively. Thousands of Chinese students who study at American universities have to wade through these negative attitudes towards their culture and race while they receive their education. Similar levels of bigotry have been directed at nations in Africa and elsewhere in the past. But those levels of racism were called out for what they really are: racism. 


The United Nations needs to address the mounting racism and Sinophobia seen around the world. China wishes for cooperation with all nations, and in order for this to be accomplished Sinophobia must be eradicated across the world. Chinese citizens and students outside of China should feel safe. They should not have to worry about whether their visa will be taken away or whether they will be denied job opportunities because of their race. China looks forward to ending Sinophobia around the world.

  • Grant Charles Centner