September 16, 2019
 In Articles

United Nations Environmental Program 

Access to Water


Natalie Tinklenberg

Mattawan High School


The benefits of clean water are a central focus for many issues ranging from gender equality to public health. With one of the seventeen goals set in the hope to achieve them by 2030 being access to clean water, the only thing left for every nation to do is come together to benefit the entirety of human nature. Currently, people that collect their water are at 435 million, which exposes the many to life-threatening diseases. In addition, countries that do not provide a safe way to acquire water risk their citizens, as they have to travel far and possibly dangerous journeys to acquire any water at all.


In the tropical environment of Seychelles, the weather is ever-changing causing difficulty to supply water; most of the water is saltwater and the little water that is underground is very limited. In the dry season, much of the water dries up; however, in warmer and wetter seasons, the growth of bacteria in the water is very favorable.  Currently, in Seychelles steps are being taken to improve the water that is given to the citizens; however, there is still a struggle. With issues like these in mind, Seychelles has passed multiple laws and regulations, plus, it has explored many avenues to have clean water for the citizens. A majority of water comes from streams, rivers, and rainwater, so many hope for the government to invest in more distillation plants. The island already has multiple distillation plants; however, by 2030, the demand for water is expected to increase by 130%, and Seychelles is currently unfit to meet that demand. With funding from the European investment bank, Seychelles is committed to improving the cleanliness of its water by improving the sewer system and its piping. Therefore, Seychelles is committed to increasing access to clean water for their country and the rest of the world. 


To achieve the many goals set, Seychelles believes it is fundamental that countries with more infrastructure in place to deliver clean water lend a helping had to those who are struggling. The countries struggling the least and have the most infrastructure should have more of a responsibility to contribute money and resources. Funding is, ultimately, what stands in the way of countries developing clean water.


  • Natalie Tinklenberg