September 16, 2019
 In 2019-Abuse by Peacekeepers, mud1

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Special Political Committee(SPECPOL): Libya


Libya is a state in distress. The nation is ruled by three major players; a government operating out of Tripoli, known as the Government of National Accord, the Turbuck government with the House of Representatives and the former General National Congress, and lastly various Islamist rebel groups. The current situation is directly affected by the two civil wars that ragged the country in 2011 and 2014. The 2011 revolts and rebels overthrew the stable Qadaffi government, out rose a government made of up of some anti-Gadaffi secularists, but also foreign-backed Islamist rebels. Quickly after the Islamists implemented Shari Law the second civil war began in 2014. This conflict has thus continued up until the current status since September 2019. The Government of National Accord was formed but not recognized by the House of Representatives. There have been recurring sieges of Tripoli, which have cost the lives of over 1,100 Libyan civilians. 


Islamic State jihadists have become active primarily in Wadi al-Ahmar a city in northern Libya, however, it claims territory in several other major cities including Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte, and Al-Khums. Ensuring terrorist groups like the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda and their affiliates are not able to retain control of territory in Libya, and their influence is diminished. These groups have consistently attacked the Libyan national army and civilians in the area. 


Algeria borders Libya and thus we are directly affected by what occurs in North Africa. We have consistently opposed the intervention of European and American military in the region, such as that which overthrew Gaddafi and to a degree caused the current turmoil. We will continue to oppose such an intervention, and focus more on unifying the current governments. We recognize the legitimacy of the Presidential Council and their Government of National Accord located in the western half of the nation. However, we are in no way opposed in principle to eastern-faction leader Khalifa Haftar and his House of Representatives ruling all of Libya at some stage. But we are concerned about the uncompromising, polarizing, and inconclusive nature of his military approach, along with his frail coalition.


Algeria will aim for a resolution that addresses the stability of the nation, the humanitarian effects on the Libyan civilians and the democratic processes of the nation. Finding peace and stability whenever possible should be the utmost priority when adopting a solution to the crisis. Reconciliation between the Government of National Accord and the GNC’s House of Representatives is however only the start of greater stability in northern Africa. Algeria would look to ensure that the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist organizations are kept out of the region without any serious territorial claim and that the various clans and rebel groups that control parts of southern Libya are kept from igniting further conflict and civil war. 

  • Tony DiMeglio