September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Topic: Eradication of Poverty 

Nation: State of Qatar


Poverty is an extremely pressing issue.  Today, 736 million people, almost 1 out of every 11 people worldwide, suffer from extreme poverty. Efforts in the past, such as the Millennium Development Goal, have been successful– the MDG cut poverty in half in 2010, five years prior to its original goal of 2015. However, progress in decreasing poverty has slowed– one in ten people in developing nations live on less than US $1.90 a day. According to the World Bank, the goal of eradicating poverty will not be achieved by 2030 if trends continue.

The State of Qatar has made significant progress in improving people’s living standards since the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) were initiated, resulting in Qatar’s advancing in the ranks of the 2015 Human Development Report (Qatar now ranks 32nd globally). Qatar is committed to achieve sustainable development goals in order to help combat poverty. These goals include the provision of safe drinking water for the population of Qatar and the access to affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all. Additionally, Qatar has strengthened its global presence and provided financial support to poorer countries in need in order to help eradicate poverty. 

The delegation of The State of Qatar believes in a combination of creating more jobs and increasing education in underdeveloped countries to decrease poverty.  We believe that increasing information regarding poverty is extremely necessary to properly identify issues and then to accurately determine what factors contribute the most to poverty in each nation. More effective solutions can develop from this information, with efforts of both local and national governments. The delegation of Qatar also believes in creating more jobs in order to eradicate poverty. This can be achieved mainly through creating jobs in infrastructure, renovating abandoned housing, and increased education. Jobs in infrastructure are especially important. While providing stability to families, infrastructure would also help to stabilize both local and national economies by connecting those in rural poverty to markets. Raising the minimum wage in jobs would help to combat inflation in both developed and undeveloped countries and would contribute to the eradication of poverty.

Raising educational standards and literacy of more people would not only increase employment rates, but also contribute to the long term eradication of poverty. Skills such as reading and writing allow for more employment to occur and increases the rate of return for an economy. Education is an essential element in breaking the cycle of poverty in a family or community. According to Global Partnership for Education, if all children left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of extreme poverty. Education promotes economic growth and reduces economic inequalities– if the same education system was implemented in workers from both poor and rich backgrounds, disparity between the two in working poverty would decrease by 39%. Increasing information on poverty, increasing jobs, and reforming and increasing education will help to eradicate poverty.

Works Cited 

“Ending Poverty.” United Nations, United Nations,

“Goal 1: No Poverty.” UNDP,

“Overview.” World Bank,

Project, Borgen. “10 Solutions to Global Poverty That Can Be Implemented Today.” The Borgen Project, Borgen Project Https://, 7 June 2018,

“Qatar: Taking Actions for Sustainable Development.” Sustainable Development goals, PDF file.

  • Audrey DeGuia