September 16, 2019
 In Articles


SUBMITTED TO: Disarmament and International Security Committee

TOPIC: Private Military Contractors

DELEGATE: Pratham Patel

SCHOOL: Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy 

Private military contractors (PMC) are often used for humanitarian aid but recently, the use of PMCs has led to unethical conflicts such as infringements on human rights. Currently, Russia, in an effort to support the Libyan National Army (LNA), is sending many contractors to Libya. Libya has asked the United States to help us resolve this conflict. Libya recognizes that the misuse of PMCs can destabilize a country but deems them necessary to fight back against LNA and its allies. Libya proposes that the UN create a guideline for justified usage of PMCS


In an effort to fight off foreign countries invading Libya and supporting the rivals, the Government National Accords (GNA) of Libya employs PMCs. Not only are the PMCs used to keep the civilians safe from the LNA but also large terrorist groups and criminal gangs that run rampant in Libya.  Even though Libya has a UN Arms embargo Russia keeps providing LNA with more and more mercenaries and supplies making the GNA dependent on PMCs. The GNA controls Libyan Armed forces, naval forces, and coast guards and the LNA has multiple different militias such as 7,000 regular units, 18,000 mercenaries, tribal militias,  foreign mercenaries, and more. These PMCs assist Libya and save countless innocent lives so Libya supports the use of PMCs but is understanding of the fact that rules and regulations need to be placed in order to stop the infringement of human rights. 


Libya is in support of regulating PMCs for they help our civilians stay safe. Libya proposes that the UN investigates whether using the PMCs is absolutely necessary and just. The delegation of Libya asks the UN to create new guidelines for the usage of PMCs and an effective way to enforce said guidelines but also believes that it is very important to have national sovereignty. Libya looks forward to working with everyone to create proper guidelines for the use of PMCs.

  • Pratham Patel