September 16, 2019
 In Articles


FROM: South Korea

SUBJECT: International Drug Trade


The issue of increased drug trade has become a hot topic of both domestic and international politics. With a spike in opioid abuse as well as the development of synthetic drugs the use of hard drugs has increased tenfold in the past years. With limited international monitoring, trade has increased between nations. South Korea has seen a spike in drugs coming into our borders and exiting back into Asia. It is of South Korea’s utmost priority to halt these illegal trade practices taking place within our borders. Not only are our people put at risk but our allies and neighbors within Asia are feeling the overwhelming effects of drug influxes.


In order to halt these illegal trade the delegation of South Korea would like to see several points addresses. How can international waters be monitored? A majority of the drugs coming into South Korea come from oversea shipments. A new way of monitoring these shipments may be necessary in order to keep them from being used to move illegal substances. Second, many drugs hold different statuses in different nations, the delegation of South Korea would like to see clearer definitions and identifications of illegal and harmful substances. Without international definitions of illegal substances, there is an issue of illegal trade by incompetency. Where a user brings legal substances from their home nation to a nation that may qualify that substance as illegal. Third, how will international smugglers be punished? Each nation holds unique punishments for smugglers. An international process should be established by a review of precedent to create a mutually agreeable and beneficial method of punishment for international smugglers.


The nation of South Korea has been greatly affected by international drug trade for years. As a hot spot for trade into Asia South Korea is seeking help from fellow UN nations to revise and assist in the halt of the international drug trade.

  • Katherine Mooney