September 16, 2019
 In 2019-Abuse by Peacekeepers, mud1

Committee: SpecPol

Topic: International Drug Trade

Country: Thailand

Delegate: Melvin Lopez

School: Fishers High School


Libya’s government has been a great issue for the Libyan people that must resolved. Not only have the Libyan people been suffering but have also been lacking basic needs such as electricity and health care through out the country. Keeping this in mind Libya’s government has not been able to proceed in helping the country become stable and secure due to the actions of the Islamist by not wanting to cooperate with the government therefore rebelling against the Libyan government. This then resulting in two civil wars in the past decade with no clear solution taking place between the Government of National Accord (GNA) and Islamist with innocent people having to suffer and escape Libya from places from Tripoli. If nothing is done sooner, the outcome can become much worse and take even longer to resolve between the two.

Thailand recognizes both parties struggles to a better understanding on how the country should be ran and who may run it. But Thailand for sure knows that the people Libya should not have to suffer due to these foolish acts to supposedly resolve this government issue by the Islamist. In the first three months of 2019, some 15,900 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe via Mediterranean routes. Hundreds of which die on the trips due to long durations of time on the boats with little food and water. Meanwhile others may die in cities like Tripoli under capture by Islamist groups and allies in rebellion. Funding though has been provided the UN and other organizations to help intercept immigrants that may be fleeing to places like Europe in order to get them registered for financial aid and assistance.

Thailand response to help the country of Libya is to help further aid refugees and support with financial aid and basic needs. Countries in Europe and others may also be of help by helping refugees stay for a period of time in a controlled environment. Thailand expresses that the countries within the UN should help the countries current government by send few troops from each country to not fight but stand alongside and control the current capital in order for the country to further discuss equal representation for both parties with no involvement of war as a solution. By doing so the process may commence slowly but will help ensure a better future for now.

  • Melvin Lopez