September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Committee Name: Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

Topic Area: Combating Racism and Xenophobia

Country: Senegal

Delegate: Alyssa Wilkes


The people of Senegal strongly believe that the U.N. policy regarding the combating of racism and xenophobia has not done enough to prevent instances of racism and xenophobia in recent years. First, the people of Senegal would like to reiterate document A/73/312. This document discusses the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia and how to approach it. However, this document could certainly be expanded upon. Another document, A/73/305, expands upon the same issue, yet it could not hurt to discuss the topic more and ways of preventing racism and xenophobia. These are very serious issues that the U.N. should consider taking more measures against, in order to protect the people of the world. External racism towards Senegal has become more prevalent in today’s world, and the people of Senegal would like to see more work put into discouraging this sort of behavior.


However, Senegal would like to stress the importance of a peaceful solution and execution of said solution. The people of Senegal are aware of potential strains and tensions that could be caused by enforcement of these documents, particularly in areas of southern Africa. Unfortunately, South Africa as a country can be very xenophobic towards the people of Senegal and other African regions, and it is the personal belief of the people of Senegal that there should be more of a penalty towards this xenophobia and racism. As of now, there seem to be no real consequences of a nation so deeply rooted in xenophobia. Another nation that can get away with no consequences surrounding their racism is Morocco and other parts of northern Africa. Because of the effects of these prejudices on the people of Senegal, Senegal would like to propose a document enforcing world-wide consequences on these nations.


Senegal has the firmly held belief that the U.N. can, and 100% should be doing more about the current issues surrounding racism and xenophobia than what it is currently doing. As previously mentioned, Senegal would like to propose a document where nations can be held accountable for their racism and the consequences that come along with it and going more into depth surrounding the effects of racist and xenophobic environments, language, and expectations on the mental wellbeing of others.

  • Alyssa Wilkes