September 16, 2019
 In Articles

The situation in Sudan is constantly changing, there are protests frequently to ensure the government becomes a democracy.  There is a three-year plan in place, however relations are still fragile between the ordinary civilian population, the Forces for Freedom and Change, and the Transitional Military Council.  When the military first ousted Al-Bashir in April, they brutally cracked down on all protests, it is common for the Transitional Military Council to do whatever is necessary to restore order, even if it gets out of hand like at the June 3rd incident.  The June 3rd incident was unfortunate due to the military killing civilian protesters. The new Sudanese government wishes to have all United Nations troops leave their country by the year 2020, however, the U.N. will most likely have to stay longer to ensure no conflict breaks out between the Transitional Military Council, and the Forces for Freedom and Change like they have before.  


China enjoys strong relations with the state of Sudan, even with the new change in government.  China has just recently helped Sudan develop and successfully launch a space satellite designed to monitor their country.  This would not be possible without help from Chinese funding, and Chinese scientists. China has always had strong ties to Sudan, even in the mid 1900’s and will continue to support the Sudanese people.  With frequent funding from China, Sudan has been able to invest the money, while also strengthening its ties to the Chinese state. China has invested close to 10 billion dollars into Sudan, focusing on oil, agriculture, and minerals.  China also invested money into different gas, mineral, and oil pipelines through Sudan and Africa. These pipelines will allow Sudan to quickly move their natural resources quickly through Africa and the Middle East. Currently most oil fields in Sudan are operating at extracting 20,000 barrels of oil a day, however investments are allowing projections of up to 300,000 barrels a day.  Chinese investment into the region has allowed Sudan to create a successful startup economy around oil, gas, and minerals. China wishes to help the new Sudan government overcome this time of instability in order to help it create a strong foundation and let the country flourish with Chinese and United Nations help.  


In order to help the country of Sudan it is highly recommended that the United Nations give funding to Sudan’s Transitional Council in order for the country to organize everything needed to create a successful transitional government.  Supporting the Transitional Council will ensure that order can be first be established and stop any unrest from further destabilizing the country. Sudan must have a strong foundation for a government or else the country will be unstable, and will be at risk of collapse. The support for the Transitional Council will allow the relatively new state to successfully establish itself with the support of both China and the United Nations.  It is also important that Sudan’s national sovereignty be respected, Sudan has expressed wishes that all United Nations forces be removed by 2020, this wish it to be respected and enforced. It is important to recognize that national sovereignty would also allow the Transitional Military Council to prosecute the soldiers who were apart of the June 3rd incident, not the United Nations International Court of justice. This is an important step in allowing Sudan become its own country, with its own laws and its own constitution. 

  • Spencer Peters