September 16, 2019
 In Articles

United Nations Development Programme

Eradication of Poverty

Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy


According to the UN, 783 million people in the world live below the international poverty line of $1.90 a day. High poverty rates are mostly found in small, fragile, and conflict-affected areas of the world. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an agreement drafted by the UN, containing 17 goals to transform the world for the better. The first goal in this agreement is to end global poverty. Therefore, the eradication of poverty is already a very prominent goal in the UN. In 2016, only about 45% of the world’s population was covered by at least one social protection cash benefit. There has been a significant amount of progress in the eradication of poverty over recent years, which is very good news, but the delegation of Equatorial Guinea believes that there is always room for improvement.


As stated previously, the UN established the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is an agreement that promises to leave no one behind and help the people that are struggling the most first. In 1995, the World Summit for Social Development defined three core issues of the world, one being poverty eradication. Within the UN, the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) is tasked with the main focus of the eradication of poverty. There was also a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the UN declaring October 17 the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. 


Equatorial Guinea recognizes the effects of poverty, but currently, have no programs with the World Bank to eradicate it. The poverty rates of Equatorial Guinea are a bit higher compared to other African countries, but are willing to take on programs that are presented to them and meet their expectations. Currently, Equatorial Guinea is working with the World Bank to find a system that works for them. 


Some possible solutions for the eradication of poverty are to create jobs, raise the minimum wage, and to support pay equity. To create jobs, countries could propose new projects to improve their countries, such as projects for infrastructure or producing more renewable energy sources. Raising the minimum wage for workers in the country would help all of them out greatly. Supporting pay equity, equal pay for all workers, can help the workers who are not getting paid fairly, therefore helping the majority of the world’s population. There are many ways for countries to work towards the eradication of poverty, and the delegation of Equatorial Guinea looks forward to working with other countries on developing a solution. 

  • Audrey Wong