September 16, 2019
 In Articles

United Nations Development Program

Disaster Risk Reduction


City High School


Disaster risk reduction is a subject that affects every country. Every country has their own specific type of disaster that tends to affect their country more than any other.  For Indonesia, we often have volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, forest fires, and tsunamis. El Nino and La Nina currents have extreme impacts on the environment making the land extremely wet or dry. Many people get their income from their crops but because of floods or droughts lost their crop and sink further into poverty.  2018 was our deadliest year in over a decade. We lost about 4.231 people this last year during natural disasters. Since January 23 there have been 2,426 reported natural disasters. 

Indonesia doesn’t have many systems for the detection of natural disasters.  Their goal is to double their budget for disaster response to 15 trillion rupiah= to 1.06 billion U.S. dollars. Five trillion rupiah would be for rehabilitation and reconstruction. The remaining 10 trillion would be for disaster response. Last year, the finance ministry said it planned to launch a new strategy in 2019 to fund disaster recovery which could include selling “catastrophe bonds.”  

The central government would have state assets against disasters and have a disaster risk financing tools for the affected regions.  The government of Indonesia spends $300-500 million if post-disaster reconstruction annually. The costs can reach from .3% of our national GDP to nearly 45% of our GDP.  The president has asked for disaster preparedness to be included in the national school curriculum and for the country-wide tsunami early warning system to be renewed. The development plan for 2015-19  outlined the countryś disaster management policy. The policy aims to reduce risk, support communities affected by the disaster, and increase the resilience of national and local governments. 


Works cited 

Investments, I. (2018, September 3). Natural Disasters in Indonesia. Retrieved from

Hermesauto. (2018, December 28). 2018 is Indonesia’s deadliest year in a decade. Retrieved from

Renaldi, E., & Shelton, T. (2018, December 27). The five most deadly natural disasters in Indonesia this year. Retrieved from

Indonesia to double 2019 disaster relief budget after last years tragedies. (2019, January 8). Retrieved from

Indonesia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Djalante, R. (2017, March 28). 12 years after the tsunami: the progress of disaster risk reduction in Indonesia. Retrieved from

Lessons from disaster risk reduction in Indonesia. (2019, February 14). Retrieved from


  • Molly Boehringer