September 16, 2019
 In 2019-Abuse by Peacekeepers, mud1

Topic 2: Libya

Country: Syria

Delegate: Raeeda Rahman

            After the 2011 Revolution and Civil War, Libya remained unstable, for both the government and its civilians. The country continues to have no government, and Islamist groups are beginning to exert their power onto this unstable government. While many interventions have occurred, the GNC and GNA secure this government and provide a temporary alliance. Yet, many citizens remain impoverished and violent outbreaks occur, killing many civilians.

The prime minister of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, was assassinated on October 20, 2011. Since then, organizations such as the GNC have taken control of the country, claiming it was for the better of the nation. GNC was formally elected, but after many years pf no reelection, the GNC continues its power within the country. Accusations of the GNC being corrupt, suppressing the rights of women, and overall detrimental for the country’s future have been faced. Members within the GNC have boycotted and threatened to institutionalize sharia law, the Islamic law. GNC has been also connected to many political leaders’ assassinations. Because of this, there is a general discourse amongst the civilians. The country remains in parts, with different groups having different portions of the country. Many citizens are left without water, electricity, healthcare. Additionally, military groups from within and other countries continue to infiltrate and cause panic amongst the citizens.

While many peace efforts have been made, both through the UN and not, none have provided any immediate effects. This war is a war on terrorism, rather than the interest of the nation. Because of this, most efforts for a resolution do not cooperate with these terrorist groups, and more violence and attacks occur as backlash. Each resolution requires full cooperation from all territorial groups and and equal contribution from each. The resolution required will need to be achieved in parts, such as the three-point peace plan proposed by Ghassan Salamé.

Syria does not have any direct relations in Libya’s civil war. However, Syria continues to face similar issues with terrorist and islamic groups threatening the government and causing a nation to deteriorate and uproar in chaos. Syria believes the only way to solve the extensive problem in Libya is to come to a peaceful agreement between all groups and political parties. The most important resolution will need to be an immediate government.  This will establish protection for Libya’s civilians, especially providing water, electricity, and healthcare for all. To establish this government, peaceful interventions between GNA, HoR, and other terrorist groups through the UN and NGOs will need to take place. A full democracy will need to ensure that violent outbreaks will not occur, and no threats take place. Afterwards, proper boundaries for each group will take place, ensuring that each group is satisfied with the territory and civilians currently living there will not be affected. NGOs and the UN will also ensure refugee protection for incoming refugees and those currently staying within Libya.

The situation in Libya is currently of utmost importance for the nation itself as well as the other nations involved/surrounding it. Refugees from surrounding countries will need protection, and the civilians living in Libya require basic human needs to fulfill their life without anyone infringing on their rights. The solution above bears in mind the importance of cooperation between all members and will guarantee a successful result without diminishing the nation’s national sovereignty.

  • Raeeda Rahman