September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Access to Water and Sanitation

Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Isabella Frederick

2 billion people don’t have access to clean, drinkable water and 3.6 billion people don’t have safely managed sanitation. Lack of clean water and sanitation leads to health problems which is why it is important this issue is addressed. Pakistan recognizes that access to clean water is a growing concern. In 2009, Pakistan established the National Drinking Water Policy, working towards providing cheap water for everyone. Pakistan has also made actions to ensure that communities have safely managed sanitation by supplying them with sewage and wastewater treatment facilities. Pakistan is, however, still working towards creating accessible water and sanitation for its citizens.
Recently Pakistan established the Punjab Rural Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PRSWSSP), providing clean water and safe wastewater management at both community and household levels. PRSWSSP involves closer regulation on animal waste management as well as providing water-quality monitoring systems to ensure unsafe drinking water is not distributed. Keeping in mind this is a recent development, there isn’t much data regarding the outcome, however, Pakistan hopes this lowers child stunting caused by unsanitary environments and bacteria filled water. On a larger scale, the UN’s Human Rights to Water and Sanitation have a direct impact on Pakistan, creating a more sustainable lifestyle with a safe and sufficient water supply and overall better sanitation.
Pakistan feels it is very important to get these issues under control to ensure the safety and well being of its citizens. Pakistan plans to continue working on projects such as PRSWSSP. Pakistan would also like to work with various developing countries in hopes of dealing with lesser cost issues while providing citizens with well maintained and safe wastewater management systems as well as an affordable clean water supply.