Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Pranav Mudhas
In the aftermath of the Space Race, humanity gained its ultimate uncharted frontier: space. Space held unknown opportunities in satellite surveillance and an abundance of minerals. After the end of the space race in 1975, countries began to realize the benefits space held for satellite surveillance, extraction of minerals, and navigation. Many nations have already started building space weapons in retaliation for each other. India has begun to conduct anti-satellite weaponry; Iran launched its first military satellite in April; in January of 2007, China started using anti-satellite weapons (ASAT). The UN has signed some treaties to regulate the militarization of space, such as The Outer Space Treaty, which bans mass destruction weapons and military operations in outer space and encourages peaceful exploration and research of space. The UN’s Conference on Disarmament (CD) has also debated resolutions to prevent an arms race in outer space. However, these treaties and proposals cannot regulate countries’ advancing interests in space.
The Federative Republic of Brazil believes firmly in regulating interstate competition in space, which could lead to countries being more motivated to militarize space. Brazil believes existing treaties and proposals should be strengthened to ensure this goal. Brazil has chaired with the bodies of the Conference on Disarmament (UNCD) about the Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), as well as the Group of Governmental Experts on Further Effective Measures for the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, and the 62nd session of Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) which has adopted the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities Guidelines. Brazil is also interested in the Article XI project, which will increase transparency and transfer of information between countries on the exploration of the Moon. Brazil has created its program following other countries’ attempts to militarize space. The Brazilian Strategic Space Systems Program (PESE) aims to implement space systems to advance the needs of Brazilian MDs and armed forces. PESE will ensure benefits in joint military programs while heralding direct societal advantages.
The Federative Republic of Brazil, a country just beginning to engage its space program, believes in free outer space to promote research efforts and international peace. Implementing a resolution that will ban placing any weapon in outer space is necessary. Brazil supports policies that highlight stability, peace, and exploration. Brazil welcomes any resolution that prohibits a ban on anti-satellite weapons. Brazil looks to work with other countries to ensure a safe and prosperous environment in space where developing countries’s space programs can reach their full potential. Brazil wishes for a treaty that impedes the acceleration of a space war and provides opportunities for countries to explore space’s untapped potential.