September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Forced Labour

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Alaina Williams

Country: Brazil
Committee: International Labor Organization
Topic: Forced Labor

Brazil firmly believes that forced labor is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed with quickness and efficiency. Brazil, an internationally recognized part of the global community, is dedicated to actively addressing and doing away with forced labor within its borders because it recognizes the seriousness of the issue. This position paper describes Brazil’s present perspective on forced labor, recent efforts, and planned countermeasures for the problem.
Brazil recognizes that forced labor within its border. Brazil’s economy is very labor intensive which can cause issues at times, like forced labor. The government is aware of the difficulties in monitoring and enforcing labor rules due to the size and diversity of the territory. Nonetheless, Brazil has taken a lot of action against forced labor, working with international organizations, enforcing laws, and creating legal frameworks.
Nonetheless, Brazil continues to persevere in combatting this issue effectively. Our labor inspection department rescued over 2,500 workers from forced labor. Brazil has implemented extensive laws to prevent forced labor, such as the “Dirty List” (Lista Suja), which makes publicly available the names of businesses that hire people in conditions that are akin to slavery. Additionally, the government has tightened the legal environment by introducing the National Plan for the Eradication of Slave Labor (Plano Nacional para an Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo) and amending the Penal Code.
Brazil recognizes the importance of law enforcement in this issue. The government has intensified its efforts to track and investigate high-risk industries and has taken proactive measures to find and penalize violators. Furthermore, Brazil’s dedication to working together to solve forced labor is exemplified by its collaborations with international organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) and civil society groups.
Brazil also notes the importance of international collaboration on this issue, as forced labor affects many member states even more significantly like Russia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Partnering alongside international organizations, grassroots groups, and neighboring nations can improve capacity building, information sharing, and the creation of best practices for ending forced labor.
Brazil strongly reaffirms its stance and dedication to mitigating the issue of forced labor. The government is proactively putting legal frameworks into place, working with foreign partners, and resolving issues to guarantee a thorough and long-lasting strategy to eliminate forced labor. Brazil is forward to working with other delegates in the spirit of shared responsibility and cooperation to create comprehensive, workable solutions to this global crisis.