September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses
Country: Sudan
Delegate Name: Warda Elmi

The spread of diseases from animals to humans is a critical issue in our modern world. Viruses like Ebola, avian flu, and the infamous COVID-19 have shown that the spread of animal viruses are a force to be reckoned with in the field of public health. In order to lessen the risk of future viruses like this and to contain existing viruses, it’s important to develop comprehensive plans that protect the health of our various populations.
However, for developing or war-torn countries such as ours, Sudan recognizes that it is of utmost importance to make health resources accessible to all and resistant to disasters such as war. Having in place detection systems for surveying animal diseases and human symptoms is of the utmost importance in disease control. Sudan promotes the use of online and digital media in order to allow people to detect and report symptoms that may be related to animal viruses.
Prevention is vastly superior to a cure, and the creation of cellphone apps that would allow individuals to input their symptoms would be a modern, low-cost, and extremely scalable way of tracking animal diseases. Additionally, access to vaccines and treatments should be equitable, so that no one has to suffer from a curable or preventable disease. By researching low-cost ways to mass-produce vaccines, we can work to make sure that everyone has a steady supply of them. Mobile healthcare clinics would work to give out these vaccines and treatments, and would provide more access to rural, poorer, and displaced individuals, such as those that make up a large majority of Sudan. Investing in healthcare helicopters would also be hugely important, as they can be used to take individuals showing these symptoms immediately to the closest hospital.