September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Supply Chain Stability

Topic: 2024-Supply Chain Stability
Country: Belarus
Delegate Name: Toby Leopold

Committee: Special Political Committee
Topic: Supply Chain Stability
Country: Belarus
Delegate Name: Toby Leopold
School: The Roeper School

The Republic of Belarus recognizes the importance of global supply chain stability. Belarus is a landlocked country with limited natural resources, bordered by Russia to the east and several European Union countries to the west. As a result, it is essential for Belarus to be involved in regional and international trade. However, Belarusian supply chains have been impacted severely in recent years by events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and other international conflicts. Since Belarus is heavily reliant on trade for economic stability, a stable supply chain is extremely important for the functioning and growth of the nation.

In response to these challenges, The Republic of Belarus has taken multiple measures ensure the stability of its supply chains. The country has invested in railroads and roads which are essential for transporting goods across borders. The country has also strengthened trade relations particularly in the EEU.

In the future, Belarus aims to stabilize supply chains through multiple different measures. The first of which is to diversify trade partners to reduce dependency on one nation. We can achieve this goal by making new trade agreements in various countries. Second, Belarus plans to continue to invest in railroads and other technology to further advance the transportation of goods.