Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Annie Alkema
Indiscriminate weapons are a massive problem in modern warfare. They don’t just affect those in combat, but civilians and people after the war is over. This can include many different types of weapons, but some of them are cluster bombs, landmines, and chemical weapons. These do not discriminate between military and civilian and often continue to harm people long after they were originally used. There needs to be a significant change in international law regarding indiscriminate weapons. There also needs to be a change in landmine removal and detonation.
Nigeria believes that there should be rules against the use of indiscriminate weapons. They often hurt civilians who are not being targeted rather than the militants they are being used against. There is also the risk that these weapons will harm the surrounding areas. Many deaths have been caused by surrounding countries’ use of indiscriminate weapons. In addition, landmines are also a significant issue. Nigeria is high among those affected by landmine explosions and deaths. Boko Haram has been known to also use landmines to attack.
Nigeria continues to support the efforts for landmine removal and detonation. More experts should be used to detect and deal with landmines in areas no longer affected by conflict. Nigeria also believes that there should be a strengthening of laws surrounding indiscriminate weapons. There needs to be a limitation on those who are affected by the weapons while not a part of the conflict. There also needs to be limitations internationally because surrounding countries can be affected by these weapons