Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses
Country: Greece
Delegate Name: Rafay Dar
World Health Organization
Topic: 2024 Spread of Animal Viruses
Delegate name:Rafay Dar
School: Forest Hills Central High School
According to the government du quebéc, an animal virus is a disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans. Animal viruses can impact the entire world, as seen during the covid-19 pandemic. For example, in Greece, the corporate economy tanked as the revenue within industry dropped by over 26% in earnings. Animal viruses with impacts such as these on only one country could impact other countries similarly, and it has, which is why it is important to limit the spread of animal viruses throughout the globe.
In a statement by Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, it is stated that the growth of human activity and production is largely to blame for the new influx of transmissible human viruses. During the pandemic, the world health organization established a variety of guidelines in order to prevent the spread of covid-19, however they were not specifically tied to zoonotic viruses. A United Nations general assembly had a resolution to urge member states to combat the illicit trade of animals and animal-derived products as there was a problem within protecting endangered species, and more importantly, expediting the spread of zoonotic viruses. Greece would like to adopt policies regarding this matter that are attributed towards the increased surveillance and prevention of animal viruses and less so towards policies that may impact tourism, a crucial aspect of the Greek economy.
There have been many organizations in Greece that have attempted to limit the spread of animal viruses, however there has not been a profound impact as many of these measures require extensive funding and that is something that ngos or nonprofits are generally unable to achieve as projects that need to be implemented regarding this matter would be quite expensive and also intrusive towards the general public, which is something that a ngo would not have the capacity to carry out. There are many zoonotic viruses that Greece is still susceptible to, such as diseases from ticks and the frequent resurgence of the west nile virus. The country of Greece has implemented various measures that regard to preventing the spread of animal viruses, and these include the increased surveillance of populations and increased medical treatment to those who are afflicted by zoonotic viruses.
The World Health Organization should implement a system in which the extensive cost of programs necessary for the prevention of animal viruses through the use of collaboration with the general public such as donations and volunteering. There are also many countries that do have specific origins tied to prominent zoonotic viruses, such as China being the country that had both sars and covid-19 originate from it. As it is very likely that another animal spread virus may originate from that country, it is imperative that China increases its efforts in preventing spread to other countries in order to prevent another global pandemic derived from a zoonotic virus.
Sources (not in any order),directly%20affected%20from%20the%20pandemic.