September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Human Trafficking

Country: Afghanistan
Delegate Name: Kennedy Anderson

Human Trafficking
The delegation of Afghanistan has been a devoted member of the UN since 1946 and has gone through hardship as a developing country to establish governance within the country. Afghanistan recognizes its difficult position to establish UN considerations as the Taliban is the primary leader of the country, however the Afghanistan delegation will strive to provide assistance and insight to other countries as well as aiming to better improve the country. The UN has contributed numerous aid such as creating the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan to help the people of Afghanistan (UNAMA), having the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) placed in Afghanistan who protects the most vulnerable and assist newly displaced Afghans, and 21 other UN entities are inhabited in Afghanistan. The delegation of Afghanistan would like to extend its gratitude to the UN’s consideration for not allowing the Taliban after its unfortunate take over to represent the country of Afghanistan and allow the delegation of Afghanistan to remain the sovereign entity and representative of Afghanistan.

The delegation of Afghanistan finds human trafficking a personal issue within the country that affects the citizens of Afghanistan. Afghanistan finds human trafficking a pressing issue that needs to be resolved and is actively trying to combat under the Taliban rule and denounces how the Taliban has not dealt with the issue of human trafficking. Having signed an Action plan on March 1, 2021 which enhanced efforts to tackle human trafficking and migrant smuggling over the past three years, this was supported by the UNODC, through its Global Action against Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants initiative (GLO.ACT). One of the reasons human trafficking is able to prosper in Afghanistan is due to a lack of public awareness and a weakness of law enforcement institutions, and since most human trafficking occurs internally (many victims do not leave their home area) and are children who are labor trafficked, it is not as recognized or focused on as much as sex trafficking although both are slim under the governance of the Taliban.

For decades Afghanistan has been combating the problem of Human Trafficking for decades and will not stop until it is resolved or starts to minimize. Having UN entities and UN affiliated NGOs throughout countries that specifically detect all sorts of human trafficking and alert law enforcement of the local occurrence can start showing greater reporting of human trafficking and action in countries. As well as having education in schools, online such as social media, jobs and other spaces can help someone avoid being in an instance of trafficking and help people detect if a loved one is showing signs of being around people involved in trafficking. Investing in a global and nation database that connects missing persons and trafficked people throughout the world and country, can help people return to their home. Providing and aiding essentials to people who may return to their home after trafficking will help them be established into society and creating therapeutic shelters can help them cope and meet others who went through the same things.
