September 16, 2019
 In Radicalization & Violent Extremism in Prisons

Country: Ireland
Delegate Name: Logan Wallace

The issue of extremism in prisons is not new and has affected countless people. This issue stems from the fact that while prisoners are interned, they feel alienated from the rest of society and look for community within the prison; these communities do not always hold the best beliefs. Ireland still treats these prisoners with the same standards and amenities it does with all other prisoners.

According to the Handbook on the Management of Violent Extremists and the Prevention of Radicalization to Violence in Prisons, the best way to distinguish radicalized prisoners is to screen all prisoners when they first come through and at regular intervals throughout their time in the facility. More prisoners go into prisons for petty crimes and leave radicalized than those who come in with these ideals. With more screenings, a decrease in radicalization would most likely occur

Ireland thus far has been trying to stop radicalization in prisons by allowing prisoners greater access to various sources of information. It has been proven that prisoners who have access to knowledge and ideals other than those held by a radicalized prison population are less likely to become radicalized. The best way to keep prisoners from being radicalized is to honor the shared goal between the United Nations and Ireland – to maintain and defend human rights and fundamental freedoms.