September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Climate Change and Public Health

Country: Turkey
Delegate Name: Rocco Morrow

Climate Change has proved itself to be a disastrous and deadly global phenomenon. Not only is it destroying natural beauties and habitats, but it is also responsible for a rise in infectious diseases. The effects of climate change have expanded geographical areas in which mosquitoes inhabit. Mosquitoes carry such infectious diseases as dengue fever and malaria. Natural hazards such as air quality, unsafe drinking water, and extreme natural events have taken precedence in the minds of many, with lots of people worried about climate change and how its effects will hurt the world. With this in mind, it is important to look at the preventative measures that Turkey has taken in creating a better and much greener earth.
The people of Turkey were subjected to some horrible things in 2021. The country was wrought with the heaviest wildfires and rains that they had seen in centuries. Due to this, many people were killed, many businesses and places of residence were destroyed, and many people began to worry. In lieu of this, Turkey decided to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change, and vowed to get to a net zero carbon emissions by 2054. According to the World Bank, “The MoU provides a framework for the World Bank and other signatories to provide technical assistance and additional development financing of $3.2 billion and to help mobilize private finance for projects supporting Türkiye’s enhanced nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategy (LTS) towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2053.” With this in mind, Turkey stands to serve as a point of research and learning for other countries as of how to combat global climate change.