September 16, 2019
 In 2023-De-escalation of Sectarian Conflict

Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Goni Wong

Sectarian Conflict refers to a violent dispute between two or more different groups, this conflict is usually based around issues such as religion and political disunity. These disputes usually appear where there is an upheaval in the political climate, social climate, cultural climate, and economic landscape of the affected region. In the Middle East, the Kurds fight for independence along political lines against regional governments. In the Caucasus the Chechnyans, in a classic David versus Goliath struggle, battled for increased autonomy for a Chechen state due to religious differences. In Asia, Hindu and Muslim extremists fight each other over religious differences in Pakistan and India. In Africa, western Saharans fight for independence against the Moroccan government. In Europe, Irish nationals fueled by ultra nationalism come into conflict with British nationals on the issue of Ulster secession. In North America there are proxy wars fueled by political disputes happening throughout central America. The entire globe feels the harmful impact of these sectarian conflicts. No matter what continent or region a nation is located, the consequences of these political and religious disputes are widespread. Therefore, you cannot understate the importance of de-escalating these conflicts world wide. The UN has been a key driving force in trying to de-escalate conflicts that are of sectarian roots. Strategies the UN uses to prevent or de-escalate these sectarian conflicts are guided by its Charter, which emphasizes the concepts of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. These strategies include but are not limited to conflict prevention and mediation, peacekeeping operations, human rights monitoring and protection, humanitarian assistance, international criminal justice, peace building and development, sanctions and use of force, and peacebuilding and reconciliation. Japan has not had major violent sectarian confrontations since the religious disputes between traditionalists and buddhists. However Japan understands the importance of addressing this issue and has been a foremost nation in providing real world solutions for de escalation. Japan’s contributions often take the form of financial assistance, development aid, and diplomatic support rather than direct military intervention. These efforts align with Japan’s commitment to international cooperation, conflict prevention, and the promotion of peace and stability. Historically Japan has focused on the economic and diplomatic side of efforts in de-escalate sectarian conflicts. However Japan has contributed to humanitarian efforts and peacebuilding in conflict areas in the form of development assistance, peacekeeping operations and support of humanitarian efforts. Japan has been a large contributor to deployment of UN peacekeeping missions to conflict zones. Japan would like to see solutions in the future that address not only de-escalating the conflicts themselves, but also dealing with the civilian consequences that arise from these consequences. The increase of humanitarian efforts and peacebuilding is crucial to achieve all Sustainable Development Goals in conflict torn areas.