September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Climate Change and Public Health

Country: Jordan
Delegate Name: Arya Aggarwal

Climate change and global warming is an increasingly prevalent problem in today’s world, especially in relation to public health. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, global warming is “an increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution”. About 75% of the world’s food supply comes from agriculture and farming. Naturally, as vegetation is so dependent on temperatures, changing climates will change how crops and similar energy sources are produced. Additionally, bacteria and other deadly microbes thrive in warmer temperatures. With the oceans, ponds, lakes, and rivers increasing in temperature, there is a surge in bacteria levels, resulting in a lower amount of clean water.

With this in mind, Jordan acknowledges that water sparsity is a topic of improvement in itself, let alone with the added effects of climate change. Jordanians’ leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease(s) at about 15%. Cardiovascular diseases have recently been discovered to have a connection to insanitary water sources. So, from a public health standpoint, a good place to start is at the water sources.

Unfortunately, bacteria content in water cannot directly be regulated by simply “stopping” climate change, as it’s not a quick fix, let alone a feasible one. So, instead, Jordan proposes that the increase of water purifiers are available. If filtration systems are installed in every water port, the amount of contaminated water-linked sicknesses and deaths will be significantly reduced. As mentioned before, the root of this problem is climate change. Jordan has also been shown to be one of the countries in the world that is most affected by global warming. At this point in time, in hopes of delaying any increasingly fatal outcomes, the role of this nation is to continue to have an impact that is as sustainable as possible on the world. This can start with water filtration systems and purifiers.