September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Famine in Conflict Zones

Topic: 2024-Famine in Conflict Zones
Country: Afghanistan
Delegate Name: Jack Cook

The nation of Afghanistan has dealt with famine many times in the past and has seen the horrors that famine and malnutrition can cause especially for developing children. The nation of Afghanistan has also seen many wars and various conflicts in recent history. Such conflicts often come with a severe lack of food for all citizens and soldiers within such conflict zones. Currently, the recognized government of Afghanistan is not in control over its people. The Taliban’s takeover in 2021 is a key example of how conflicts can cause famine and many other severe issues. The Taliban’s takeover left Afghanistan’s economy in shambles which left most Afghans with not enough to eat. In 2022 the United Nations launched The largest single-country aid appeal in its history to finance humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. At this point 95% of Afghanistan’s citizens did not have enough to eat leaving over 3.5 million Afghan children in need of nutrition treatment support.

Recognizing these troubling issues, Afghanistan empathizes with countries suffering from similar situations. Afghanistan will openly support any missions with the goal of eliminating famine from conflict zones and providing humanitarian aid to conflict zones. With this being said, the nation of Afghanistan does not have enough resources to make meaningful contributions to such causes as Afghanistan currently suffers from similar issues within its borders. The exiled government of Afghanistan is completely committed to the removal of famine within all countries regardless of conflicts however counties in conflict should receive a higher priority of care due to various other struggles that come with war. Recognizing this, Afghanistan is one such country that needs current and ongoing assistance as Afghanistan ranks 116th out of 127 recognized countries on the global hunger index. Many initiatives have been started in the past in assistance towards various communities in Afghanistan.

Moving forward, the government of Afghanistan hopes to make the extreme hunger of its citizens one of the main concerns of the government. However with this being said, any action the government of Afghanistan attempts to take in support of its citizens is made exponentially more difficult due to the current control of the country by the Taliban. The violence caused by the Taliban everyday continues to cause problems for the citizens and disrupt the economy of Afghanistan. Keeping this in mind, the exiled government of Afghanistan is seeking urgent help for the nation’s citizens in the form of agricultural support.