September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Balancing Human Rights

Country: Yemen
Delegate Name: Logan Tamas

In Yemen, humanitarian aid would be greatly appreciated by all and without it, countless more lives will be lost. With this, Humanitarian aid is the only way to ensure the best chances for the people of the town. That is why humanitarian groups should be integrated into every nation’s infrastructure and militaries. With all this in mind though, counterterrorism should still be a higher priority than humanitarian aid. For both of these changes, there would need to be more money funding those actions. Nations with a strong trade relationship with another wealthy nation all will be expected to add 5% of their tax income every year. This will help fund the ever growing counterterror programs and also fund the humanitarian aid as well.
The effects of a counterterror strategy can only be viewed through battle and experience. This means that the only way to measure how effective a strategy is actively seeing it while its being played out in the actual battle. Soon, when we have more technologies, we will be able to measure the strategies with some kind of point system.