September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Informal Settlements

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Audrey Krajewski

United Nations Development Programme
Informal Housing
The Russian Federation
Audrey Krajewski

The Russian Federation recognises and is working to combat the challenges posed by informal settlements. As defined by the United Nations Development Programme, informal settlements are characterised as inadequate living conditions and often a lack of legal recognition, and likely requiring an international, multifaceted approach to reach a solution (“SDG Indicators…”). The Russian Federation is committed to encompassing legal frameworks, public campaigns, government originated housing programs, and collaborative initiatives with other nations to address the informal housing and urbanisation crises.
The Russian Federation has an extensive and comprehensive background of legal framework in place to regulate housing and address informal settlements within our borders. The Land Code of the Russian Federation defines land use and property rights, as well as lays out a streamlined process for obtaining property titles, making it easier for residents of informal settlements to formalise their housing arrangements (Land Code…). Furthermore, this accessibility to safe, legal and reliable housing, especially in urban areas, encourages the development of lawful housing throughout Russia (Land Code…). Furthermore, the Russian Federation has found success with our Affordable Housing and Urban Development Programme. On 21 September 2023 the Russian Federation approved a program targeting 300 million USD of funds to aid Russian families’ housing costs (Project Summary…). The Loan will support the supply-side of the housing market by addressing the shortage of affordable housing, and result in an increased number of people living in quality residential housing (Project Summary…). The Program is also forward thinking in nature, as it promotes the usage of energy efficient and innovative materials in housing being constructed for Russian families. The Russian Federation denounces resettling families elsewhere to provide them with formal housing. As a solution, the Russian Federation works collaboratively with its citizens to meet families where they are at, both financially and by location. Finally, The Russian Federation supports numerous campaigns that aim to dispel myths surrounding informal housing, promote legal compliance described in the Land Code, and encourage residents to engage with government programs (like AHUDP) that facilitate formal housing.
The Russian Federation has seen how important establishing formal settlements is to the well being of a nation and its citizens. The Russian Federation has established clear land regulations in our Land Code and developed legislative measures to provide citizens with sustainable and legal housing. The Russian Federation hopes to provide guidance to developing nations that are working to establish programmes to combat informal settlements, and is excited to work with our allies Belarus, China, India, Iran, North Korea, Kazakhstan and Syria, and the eternity of the United Nations Development Programme to eliminate informal settlements worldwide.

Work Cited
Blokhin, A., “Institutional Transformations of Russia’s Housing Construction Sector in 2020 – Studies on Russian Economic Development.” SpringerLink, Pleiades Publishing, 6 May 2021,
Land Code of October 25, 2001, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
Project Summary for Public Disclosure – New Development Bank, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
“SDG Indicators.” United Nations, United Nations, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.