September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Worker Protection From Labor Exploitation

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Audrey Krajewski

United Nations Development Programme
Worker Protection from Exploitation
The Russian Federation
Audrey Krajewski

The Russian Federation is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of workers within our borders. As a nation that values the contributions of all our citizens to create a world class labour force, it is of the utmost importance to The Russian Federation that we are fostering a work environment that prioritises the well being of our economy and citizens. The Russian Federation is an inspirational example of valuing our world renowned economy and our people.
The Russian Federation has an extensive and comprehensive background of legal framework in place to safeguard our Russia citizens workers’ rights. The Labour Code of the Russian Federation establishes the fundamental principles for labour relations in Russia, ensuring fair working hours and conditions, in addition to fair wages. The Labour Code of the Russian Federation explicitly calls out and prohibits discrimination, child labour, and forced labour, reflecting our commitment to eradicating exploitative labour practices (“Labor Code…”). Furthermore, according to a publication from the International Labour Organisation, the Russian Federation has publicly denounced “slave labour” as modern evil which must be eradicated worldwide (“Labor Code…”). Slavery of any kind has been illegal in Russia since the 1720s (“The Criminal Code…”). Moreover, Article 127 of the Russian Criminal Code prohibits both trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labour (“The Criminal Code…”). Well often discredited, it is indisputable that the Russian Federation has made concrete steps in establishing a progressive labour market with extensive benefits for the worker. In addition, to address issues related to informal employment and ensure that all workers are protected, the Russian Federation has implemented measures to streamline administrative procedures for businesses and workers, making it easier for employers to comply with legal obligations established by the Labour Code of the Russian Federation as well as the Russian Criminal Code. Furthermore, The Russian Federation finds that this way it is easier for employees to access their rights spelled out by either document.
Well the Russian Federation acknowledges the allegations that the war with Ukraine has increased the potential for slave and child labour, The Russian Federation assures that any increase in human trafficking within the Ukrainian borders is a result of mismanagement by the Ukrainian government (“Russian Invasion in Ukraine…”). The Russian Federation has seen how important establishing protection of workers rights can help to grow your economy ethically. Russia, as the 10th largest economy in the world, has established a balance of economic progress as well as worker protection from exploitation that The Russian Federation believes countries worldwide should adopt. The Russian Federation is excited to work with our allies Belarus, China, India, Iran, North Korea, Kazakhstan and Syria, and the eternity of the United Nations Development Programme to end worker exploitation.

Work Cited
Ilo Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights ,—ed_norm/—declaration/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_716594.pdf. Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
“Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” Russian Federation. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2001, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
“Russian Invasion in Ukraine Leads to Increased Risks of Human Trafficking – IOM in Ukraine.” United Nations, United Nations, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
“The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.” The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation No. 63-FZ of June 13, 1996, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.