September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Climate Change and Infectious Disease

Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Cooper Dlugos

Delegate Name: Cooper Dlugos
Country: Argentina
Topic: Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
Committee: World Health organization
School: Forest Hills Central

Argentina, for many years has been a substantial exporter in many fields of agriculture, its climate provides a great location to produce and export many crops such as wheat, cotton . barley, flax, and many other renditions of agricultural production. However our prosperity in this field of production is being threatened by a malevolent foe us delegates have contributed since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Ever since the 1960s climate change has had a prevalent effect on our country in regards to precipitation and annual temperature change. Though temperatures have increased at a slower rate than the global average, nonetheless these impacts have occurred in many areas. Higher temperatures can reduce winter snowfall, causing river flow to decrease (less water available), which can reduce hydroelectric energy production; losses of up to 40% had been observed. If these trends continue, it is predicted that climate change will exacerbate existing natural disasters such as increasing the intensity and frequency of floods or create new ones. In the north and central parts of the country, the higher temperatures projected for this region leads to higher evaporation.  Combined with little precipitation change for this region, it is probable that it would become more arid, leading to desertification.  In areas that normally have a dry winter, a higher evaporation would intensify droughts which would disfavor agriculture. The effects of climate change in Argentina do not only affect the agriculture outputs and the average temperatures it also affects the public health of the people of Argentina. The direct relation between temperature change and malaria outbreaks are uncanny. Malaria, along with many infectious diseases such as Chikungunya (Mosquito Borne) and Andes virus. More than 5 Million citizens have contracted an infectious disease and well over 200,000 have died as a result of contact.
Both, Climate Change and the ravaging diseases scourge the River of Silver. Our time spent here should be used wisely, each delegate must consider each factor in their decision making and how it will not only affect their country but this world we live in. Argentinias hope is to cooperate with any nation to fabricate a series of procedures to mutually benefit and protect the world around us. Thank you.