September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Access to Education for Women and Girls

Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Aastha Patel

UN Women
Access to Education for Women and Girls
Kingdom of Spain
Aastha Patel
Forest Hills Eastern

Access to education for women and girls is vital; the benefits of education include increased lifetime earnings and a decline in child marriage. Unfortunately, 129 million girls are out of school because of poverty, gender-based violence, and societal gender stereotypes. Access to education is a significant issue in conflict zones and developing nations because many young girls in these areas are expected to work rather than go to school. Additionally, many young girls are forced into marriage, ending any chance of higher education.

In Spain, access to education for women and girls is fairly accessible, as attending school for both genders is compulsory between the ages of six and sixteen. In 2021, the female literacy rate was 99.77 %. Women outnumber men at Spanish universities. In total, 55% of Spanish university students are females receiving further education. In 2019, Spain received the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Department of Education of the Government of Navarre, Spain is recognized for its project, SKOLAE: Growing in equality. An integrated school program that empowers students to make their own choices in life by addressing gender stereotypes in education and beyond. The program promotes a gender-neutral environment that enables learners to identify inequalities, challenge them, and exercise their right to equality no matter what their culture, religion, or orientation may be.

Efforts should be made to increase access to education facilities and improve the educational programming available in those facilities. Spain urges nations to support foundations such as the Malala Fund, which helps bolster girls’ secondary education worldwide, and Womenone, a non-profit devoted to creating positive change in the lives of women and girls globally through access to quality education. Education facilities need to be built in nations where there is a lack. Gender parity needs to be achieved by educating the mass who discriminate against women and think their education is a waste of time and money. It is time to break the stereotype that women and girls should sit at home.