September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Pranav Mudhas

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
The United States of America
Pranav Mudhas
Forest Hills Eastern

Ballistic missiles had roots in the 14th century when the Ming Dynasty used an early, primitive form in its naval battles. Modern ballistic missiles, however, are much more dangerous. Since their first use in October of 1942, modern ballistic missiles have plagued the wars of the earth. With their precise rocket-propelled self-guided strategic-weapons system, ballistic missiles have the capability to kill hundreds of thousands of people from miles away. Ballistic missiles often travel to their target above the atmosphere in sub-orbital flight, resulting in a dangerous projectile ambiguity. Today, countries worldwide have stockpiled over 1700 missiles, creating panic and hysteria from feuding countries. There have been recent attempts to control the proliferation of such ballistic missiles, but they have yet to be successful due to their lack of enforcement. Therefore, many countries have spent billions of dollars creating advanced anti-missile systems.

The United States has signed and ratified the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which states that the US and the Russian Federation decrease their supply of missiles and other ballistic weapons. Since the implementation of New START, the US has only kept 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles (IBCMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The US also supports the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a multilateral export control regime whose purpose is to coordinate national export licensing efforts to prevent the proliferation of unmanned delivery systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction. The US is among the G-7 industrialized countries that first formed MTCR in 1987. We are in complete agreement with the MTCR in that we believe that countries should halt their proliferation of ballistic missiles. However, the US believes in keeping a significant amount of missiles for self-defense and as a deterrent to any idea of an attack on our country. As a member of MTCR, the US is also a subscribing state of the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC). The HCOC seeks to supplement the MTCR. HCOC consists of general principles, modest commitments, and limited measures to halt ballistic missile proliferation and further delegitimize ballistic missile proliferation.

The United States holds that the proliferation of ballistic missiles must come to an end. We affirm that ballistic missiles must be used only as a deterrent and not as a force of destruction. We believe strongly that the proliferation of missiles in aggressive countries must stop immediately. We wish for a treaty that upholds both the ideals in the Missile Technology Control Regime, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the Hague Code of Conduct. We, however, do not wish to decrease our supply of ballistic missiles any further due to the increasing tensions between hostile countries. We wish to hold our supply of ballistic missiles as a deterrent to militant states. We look to work with all states to ensure a safe environment to create a world without the need for ballistic missiles as a deterrent for national security. We wish to pursue bilateral and multilateral diplomatic treaties that avoid military battles, nourish safety, and create mutual respect and understanding for all states. We desire a treaty that decreases the proliferation of ballistic missiles but still allows a secure solution to the stability and safety of our country and its people.