September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Sam Zaruba

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
Kingdom of Spain
Sam Zaruba

Since the invention of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles (IBCM) have threatened countries with destructive capabilities. A single rocket, equipped with multiple warheads, can kill a million people and cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. With over 1700 missiles in storage worldwide, these weapons could destroy the world twice. Although some multilateral precautions have been put in place, many nations are left in limbo about when or where these missiles will strike, leading to the construction of multi-billion dollar anti-ballistic systems. Recently, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres stated the ballistic testing of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, urging that “the launch of a ballistic missile of intercontinental range” is “a clear violation of Security Council resolutions.” Furthermore, in a more recent conference, Guterres said, “Let’s eliminate these weapons before they eliminate us” on the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Historically, Spain has been a state for the proliferation of nuclear weapons under the reign of Francisco Franco (1939-1975). Due to this, in recent times, the Spanish public has been sensitized to the use of ballistics and overwhelmingly disapproves (89%). Emerging as a multilateral solution, the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC) strives to “strengthen national and international security arrangements while also promoting international disarmament.” It is among the Treaty’s original signatories, signed by Spain on November 25, 2022. Furthermore, The Kingdom of Spain joined NATO in 1982 and cooperated with the U.S. in the framework of the U.S.-Spain Missile Defense Technical Group. As such, Spain supports the U.S. and NATO in storing ballistic missiles for self-defense purposes but condemns the production and proliferation of these weapons. Despite not yet signing the Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), Spain supports the retention and potential use of ballistics or nuclear weapons. Spain is also a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which “seek(s) to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.”
In response to the recent proliferation of ballistic missiles, Spain urges more countries to sign and ratify the HCOC and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Furthermore, Spain supports multilateral and bilateral agreements proposed to promote the de-proliferation of nuclear and ballistic weapons. The proliferation of ballistics can be minimized through NATO and other collective treaty organizations.